Preparatory Phase
The Arctic Region brings together some of the top strategies, technical consultants and international investments from North America, Asia and Europe.
The Arctic Portal was created in 2006 to endorse the legacy of International Polar Year (IPY), supported by the Arctic Council under the guidance of Iceland´s Senior Arctic Official – Ragnar Baldursson.
The Project is managed as a non – profit organization in cooperation with the University of Akureyri (Iceland). Up to date, the Arctic Portal hosts the official homepage of IPY International Program Office and will serve as an interface to and host of IPY Legacy research data.
In addition of being a unique information gateway and the main IPY platform, the Arctic Portal hosts the homepages of main Arctic science related organizations as well as participates in various Arctic cooperation programs.
The Arctic Portal Shipping Portlet is a comprehensive online gateway to the Arctic Shipping and Aviation. It outlines the most topical maritime and aviation issues, including benchmarking and baseline assessment of sea ports and airports infrastructure, and provides an overview of the latest news, events and publications on Arctic transportation.
Its objective is to increase information sharing and interoperability between stakeholders throughout the Arctic and grant exposure to the Arctic related shipping data. It aims to establish a network connection between public and private sectors to raise public awareness with regards to environmental, legal and political issues of Arctic Shipping.
The Arctic Portal Shipping Project was launched in 2010 as an endorsement to the Arctic Portal information gateway. In past two years, the Shipping Portlet has become valuable source of information on the major changes that have been taking place in the Arctic Region. The melting Arctic sea ice will enable unforeseen industrial and business opportunities, but in the same time it will threat fragile Arctic environment and coastal communities. The immense changes that the Arctic is facing will affect the political as well as economical decision making processes requiring easily accessible or high quality information.
Currently, the AP Shipping Portlet contains information on most prominent Arctic marine and aviation issues, supported by interactive mapping system, free on line maritime and aviation library with the most up to date publications, media archive, calendar of on coming events and daily updated shipping and aviation news.
Please, contact us if you have any queries with regards to possible cooperation, partnership or copy rights issues. Magdalena Tomasik: e mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or tel: 00354 461 2800