The Portlets are venues for information within Arctic Portal on specific Arctic-related issues. In each portlet professional information has been gathered and through the Arctic Portal Library each issue can be explored further. Each portlet gives all basic and relevant information for the topics. The News Portlet includes not only stories written by Arctic Portal but RSS-feeds categorized by topics. The Arctic Portlet gives comprehensive overview of the Arctic itself whilst the other portlets dig deeper in to specific issues.

The Arctic Portlet

The Arctic Portlet introduces the circumpolar North, the geography, wildlife, people and various forms of governance, seeking to answer all the general questions about this exciting area and giving the readers an insightful peek into one of the world's last true wildernesses.


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Shipping Portlet

The Arctic Shipping Portlet contains up do date information about Arctic marine and air shipping. Everything from historical voyages to the future shipping routes and hub-ports, the Portlets contains comprehensive information about prominent issues of Arctic shipping.



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Energy Portlet

The Arctic Energy Portlet portrays the topical issues in the energy sector in the Arctic. From oil and gas to renewable energy and nuclear power, the Arctic Energy Portlet shows why the world’s attention has turned to the vast energy resources in the Circumpolar North.


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Climate Change & Sea Ice Portlet

The hottest topic in the Arctic today is the Climate Change and the changes in the Arctic sea ice. The Climate Change and Sea Ice Portlet presents the most topical issues about climate change and its vast effects on the Arctic.


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Fishing Portlet

Fishing in the Circumpolar North is a significant economic resource. About 70 percent of the world’s total white fish supply comes from Arctic waters. The Fishing Portlet portrays the most topical issues in Arctic fisheries ranging from the management to impacts of climate change.


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News Portlet

The Arctic News Portlet is thematically structured to enable access to the latest news on Science, Society, Shipping, Politics, Climate change and Resources. With fresh daily entries accessible directly from the Portlet, the site portrays news from various respectful sources around the circumpolar North.


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